Anti-Bullying @ Spire

1) Objectives of this Policy

This policy outlines what Spire JuniorSchool will do to prevent and tackle bullying. The policy has been drawn up through the involvement of the whole school community and we are committed to developing an anti-bullying culture whereby no bullying, including between adults or adults and children and young people will be tolerated.

2) Our school community:

  • Discusses, monitors and reviews our anti-bullying policy and practice on a regular basis.
  • Supports all staff to promote positive relationships to prevent bullying.
  • Will intervene by identifying and tackling bullying behaviour appropriately and promptly.
  • Ensures that pupils are aware that all bullying concerns will be dealt with sensitively and effectively; that pupils feel safe to learn; and that pupils abide by the anti-bullying policy.
  • Reports back to parents/carers regarding concerns on bullying and deals promptly with complaints. Parents/ carers in turn work with the school to uphold the anti-bullying policy.
  • Seeks to learn from good anti-bullying practice elsewhere and utilises support from the Local Authority and other relevant organisations when appropriate.

3) Definition of bullying

Bullying is “Behaviour by an individual or a group, usually repeated over time that intentionally hurts another individual either physically or emotionallyand involves an imbalance of power”. (DfE “Preventing and Tackling Bullying”, October2014).

Bullying can include: name calling, taunting, mocking, making offensive comments; kicking; hitting; taking belongings; producing offensive graffiti; gossiping; excluding people from groups and spreading hurtful and untruthful rumours. This includes the same inappropriate and harmful behaviours expressed via digital devices (cyberbullying) such as the sending of inappropriate messages by phone, text, Instant Messenger, through websites and social media sitesand apps, and sending offensive or degrading images by mobile phone or via the internet.

4) Forms of bullying covered by this Policy

Bullying can happen to anyone. This policy covers all types of bullying including:

  • Bullying related to race, religion or culture.
  • Bullying related to SEND(Special Educational Needs or Disability).
  • Bullying related to appearance or physical/mental health conditions.
  • Bullying related to sexual orientation (homophobic and biphobic bullying).
  • Bullying of young carers, childrenin careor otherwise related to home circumstances.
  • Sexist, sexual and transphobic bullying.
  • Bullying via technology –“cyberbullying”.

5) Preventing, identifying and responding to bullying

The school community will:

  • Create and support an inclusive environment which promotes a culture of mutual respect, consideration and care for others which will be upheld by all.
  • Work with staff and outside agencies to identify all forms of prejudice-driven bullying.
  • Actively provide systematic opportunities to develop pupils’ social and emotional skills, including their resilience.
  • Recognise that bullying can be perpetrated or experienced by any member of the community, including adults and children (peer onpeer abuse).
  • Provide a range of approaches for pupils, staff and parents/carers to access support and report concerns.
  • Challenge practice which does not uphold the values of tolerance, non-discrimination and respect towards others.
  • Consider all opportunities for addressing bullying in all forms throughout the curriculum and supported with a range of approaches such as through displays, assemblies, peer support and the school/student council.
  • Regularly update and evaluate our approaches to take into account the developments of technology and provide up-to-date advice and education to all members of the community regarding positive online behaviour.
  • Train all staff including teaching staff, support staff (including administration staff, lunchtime support staff and site support staff) and pastoral staff to identify all forms of bullying, follow the school policy and procedures (including recording and reporting incidents).
  • Proactively gather and record concerns and intelligence about bullying incidents and issues so as to effectively develop strategies to prevent bullying from occurring.
  • Actively create “safe spaces” for vulnerable children and young people.
  • Use a variety of techniques to resolve the issues between those who bully and those who have been bullied.
  • Work with other agencies and the wider school community to prevent and tackle concerns.
  • Celebrate success and achievements to promote and build a positive school ethos.
  • Be encouraged to use social media positively and responsibly.

Read more of the policy here.


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The school was inspected by Ofsted in May 2022. The school continues to be rated as a good school.

Read the report here >