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Mini Police


What is Mini Police?

The Derbyshire Mini Police programme started in 2021 and Spire Junior School was proud to be one of three trial schools. The programme was a resounding success and has since expanded to 20 schools across Derbyshire.

Mini Police is aimed at year 5 and 6 and is designed to give children the opportunity to learn about their safety, their role within their community, and how the police work to keep them safe.

The programme runs for the whole year with weekly, hour-long sessions, held in school. At the beginning of the year, the children are given their uniform and equipment, consisting of a hi-vis vest with adorned with the Mini Police crest, a Mini Polic cap and pocketbook. Just like real police officers, our Mini Police Officers take part in an attestation ceremony at the beginning of their training to swear a commitment to serve all members of the community with fairness, integrity and diligence.

The sessions are delivered by officers from the school’s local Safer Neighbourhood Team consisting of PCSOs, Police Officers and Police Sergeants. During the academic year, the Mini Police are visited by external agencies such as RNLI, the High Sherriff and the Royal Navy as well as specialist teams from the Derbyshire Police Force such as Cyber Protection, CSI, and the Ops teams – Drone, Dogs, Armed Response and Traffic Officers take time during the year to visit each of the schools.

The Mini Police programme culminates in an awards ceremony once the students have completed the programme.


Our Mini Police Sessions

The Mini Police programme has wide reaching aims: to improve relationships between the police and young people; to build trust with communities; to promote responsible citizenship; and create a sense of social responsibility.

The core session:

  • Role of the Police
  • Crime
  • Fatal 4
  • Knife crime/Kinsella trust
  • Heritage crime
  • Different roles in the Police
  • Cyber crime
  • Pedestrian safety

Additional sessions focus on the work of external agencies and specialist members of the Derbyshire Force.  

For more information, please visit

Mini Police | Derbyshire Constabulary